Hmmm… I would like to think that means perfect vision. Clear vision, 3-D vision. However, the eye seems to continually need help, naturally speaking of course.
Biblically we have ‘eyes of understanding’ or spiritual eyes that are often blinded by the ‘god of this world’ through deception. It truly takes the spiritual eye to stay the course of our journey as Christians.
That requires being filled with the Holy Spirit. The Lord said, “You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.” The power of the Holy Spirit truly enables perfect sight or vision. The power of the Holy Spirit is not a one-time spiritual experience, but a continuous flow. In these last days, it is mandatory we are filled and keep on being filled … as we require, the deepest need to see. God has plans for each season of our lives…youngest to eldest. Can you see them? Let me assure you, once you do, you’ll never want to settle for less.
We are living amongst a secular culture that is calling good evil. Black, white. Bitter, sweet. Light, dark and so on. If you are not taking spiritual steps to improve your “heart-sight”, you are a candidate for deception. You will never have 2020 spiritual vision by default.
Without your vision, life’s decisions become blurred. Wrong turns are made. Confusion is frightening. Yes, the Lord allows U-turns, but at what cost and time? It can take a long time to get back on track. Without your vision you lose your place, and don’t even know where you left off!
Time is so precious. Too precious to waste. Once spent you can never retrieve it.
My prayer is for you to see how valuable your “spiritual eyesight” truly is. Unfortunately, we take for granted the beauty and complexity of our natural eye-sight until something challenges its vision. Spiritual eyesight is equally taken for granted. Please don’t.
If you regularly read your Bible, pray, worship, come to church and activate a faith-filled life…you’ll have 2020 spiritual vision.
We wish you a very prosperous, blessed and Happy New Year!
Pastor Greg