Is it Possible….

Is it Possible….

…to “see” the Invisible?

At first glance the question is totally preposterous. Not pausing long enough to even think of engaging conversation, one only could imagine the bizarre. Yet, that is exactly what believers are supposed to do!

Think of it, Moses by his faith left Egypt, not being afraid of the anger of the king, for he endured as seeing Him, who is invisible!

Jesus said, unless a man is born again he cannot even see the kingdom of God. (invisible)

Paul writing to Corinth reminded them not to look at the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen.

The question not only deserves a resounding Yes, but we are expected to “see” the invisible.

Especially when we are overwhelmed or fearful. Elisha’s assistant was just like that, and feared for their very lives. Elisha prayed that his eyes would be opened so he could see the enemy was outnumbered by the angels that surrounded them!

As this year is fast underway I want to remind you just how important it is to remain connected and a part of a family that helps you think biblically. Most of the world is not going to tell you to look at or for anything “invisible”.

We just finished the opening week of 2015 with an assignment to …”invade the impossible”. I believe by praying as we did, situations/circumstances changed. Let us continue!

I know we need to think on these things…I am here to help!

Pastor Greg



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