This was my Palm Sunday sermon title, and it still has me thinking how misunderstood He was. Jesus would bring His message over and over again. The Kingdom of Heaven is like a pearl, a seed, or leaven; at times an alabaster jar filled with expensive spices and perfumed oil pours out with His approval, and at other times He tells the young man to sell all that he has and give it to the poor.
Like an illuminated diamond, the facets of the Kingdom capture the eye and mesmerize the soul. Jesus brought one aspect, then another, opening the understanding. Asking the disciples who people said He was, they offered a mixed array of answers. When pressed, who do you say I am…? Peter declared, “You are the Christ…” Jesus replied, “flesh and blood did not reveal that to you, but my Father in heaven.”
Likewise…Good Friday begs for understanding! It takes revelation to make me see anything Good. Most people cannot even admit wrongdoing let alone guilt. Introduce the thought that Jesus has to die, so that I may live…understand that I have sinned and sin separates me from the greatest love I would ever hope to know, is incomprehensible without revelation.
Yet the Holy Spirit has the most articulate language “revealing” King and Kingdom, reducing all my defenses. No wonder the hymn writers penned, the Cross has a wondrous attraction for me.
Good Friday offers one of the greatest opportunities to hear His Voice.
Pastor Greg