We make most decisions based on “worth.” Every marketing campaign stresses the “value” of the product or service offered. Should I buy, or retain a service, is based on value.
This morning we attended a school chapel service in which our grandchildren participated. The Good Friday/Easter story being featured stirred the thoughts and emotions of our faith. I found value in those moments shared. Not only the family being together and supporting each other, but my faith was strengthened. Now, I couldn’t taste it, or drive it or try it on. It was “spiritual” and it imparted something intangible, yet, so very valuable. In this fast-paced culture, it is easy to miss the value of the intangible. Unless we purpose to think beyond the moments that hurry us into the ho-hum frenzies, we waste our time on………we miss things we should value. Please let me remind you of something of great value and reward … Good Friday and Easter Services. “How do I make it through a bad day?” … is our focus Good Friday at 6:30 p.m., concluding with communion. As pastors, we have helped many through bad days. Unfortunately, they come to all of us, and your faith and confidence in our Lord will help you make it. It is like knowing CPR or calling 911. Extreme value! Easter Sunday, we retell the story of the one who emerges from history out of an empty tomb! Literally changing the world and still is. Extreme value worth investing in, not only for the moment but for your future. These two upcoming services are pivotal in your Christian walk. I’m sure you know the story. Sometimes we just need reminding of its value. See You in Church, Good Friday Service – April 19th @ 6:30 p.m. |
Hooked on a Feeling…?